

棋牌游戏大全是一个由数千名学生组成的多元化社区, 家庭, 员工, 校友, 校友家长. 学校的使命是为知识分子提供最好的环境, 情感, 精神上的, 以及每个学生的身体发展, 并向他们灌输强烈的道德感, 道德, 以及社会责任. 为了完成这一使命, the school offers its students curriculum that considers a broad range of perspectives and views history through multiple lenses. 适合年龄的节目是有意设计来挑战假设和刺激灵活, 开放, 以及增长型思维, and we take a strong stance on matters related to the expression of disrespect or unkindness by community members against any individual or group.

我们的学校社区知道我们对核心价值观的承诺, 包括前面提到的, guide how members will interact with each other; we hold all our people to these high standards, 一直以来. Our 圣公会 identity guides us to respect the worth and dignity of each individual and promote forgiveness, 以及学校对多样性的承诺, 股本, 和包容, 也由该指南颁布, 是通过我们每天的行动体现出来的吗, 这么多年来. 和, it is clear from recent survey data and the level of student engagement that Berkeley students from every racial background feel known and nurtured here.

在我们帮助学生发展成为负责任的世界公民的众多方法中,包括, but are not limited to: the Global Scholars program; Berkeley student service in the 棋牌游戏大全; our International Travel program; our school’s significant service requirement and demonstrated 教师 support for student service endeavors; guest speakers sponsored by the Diversity Program team; required world language studies offered in Spanish, 法国, 中国人, and Latin (at least through level 3); World Language Cultural Immersion Clubs; Middle and 上师 service trips to countries including the Dominican Republic, 巴哈马群岛, 秘鲁, 加纳, and many others; Diversity Club; Diversity Program Team; Cultural Appreciation Club; Jewish Cultural Club; Masala Mix (Indian Culture Club); Gender and Sexuality Discussion Group; Who We Are Club with convocation presentations; Eat and Speak Lunch Group, 和更多的.

而上述大部分服务于我们的中高级学生, we also guide our youngest learners to appreciate and accept the broad range of diversity that exists in the world. Our primary goal in the 较低的部门 is ensuring that students 开发 a positive identity that is well-rounded; this includes ensuring that they 开发 positive racial identities. 虽然这看起来不同的Pre-K 5级光谱, the focus is on helping each student understand their identity and how they are impacted by and can impact our community and the world. 社交情感学习是低年级课程的一个标志, 这些技能是我们开始建立文化能力技能的基础. 孩子们对自己的世界观和对文化差异的积极态度有所认识. They gain knowledge of different cultural practices and skills for communicating and interacting across cultures through Social Studies coursework, 社区服务, 适合年龄和多样化的儿童文学.

我们相信宗教多样性丰富了我们的经验, 因为每个成员都为我们的社区带来了重要的礼物. 像这样, Berkeley offers 精神上的 enrichment opportunities including: a World Religions course required in the 上师 that engages various traditions around the globe; the Sacred Texts Club that draws from over 15 religious traditions; the Chaplain’s Council in the 较低的部门 that helps students understand 多样化的 religious observances; a Spirit World elective in the 上师 that reflects on how different cultures and religious traditions understand the movement of the holy, 以及对世界宗教节日和传统的文化意识和遵守.

走出校园, Berkeley sends several students to the National Association of Independent Schools’ Student Diversity Leadership Conference and sponsors 教师 attendance at their People of Color Conference yearly as well.

棋牌游戏平台认为,优秀的教育是对抗世界不公的最佳对策. Each year we work to make the curriculum and programming referenced above even more robust and impactful, 并确保我们为探索创造更多的空间, 让人不舒服的话题. 我们这样做是为了履行我们的使命,即培养有道德、有道德、对社会负责的公民. The education we offer at Berkeley fosters confidence and builds critical thinking skills so that as students grow and eventually attain their highest potential, they are fully prepared to comment on and take action against injustices as they see them - to make a positive difference in the world. 行动胜于雄辩, 以及我们的行为, 几十年来,, 有没有明显地表明我们致力于让世界变得更美好, 更公正的地方.


Berkeley is 承诺 to attracting and retaining a culturally 多样化的 community of professionals and students; currently, 我们四分之一的教师和近40%的学生认为自己是有色人种.



成立于1960年, 棋牌游戏平台是独立的, 圣公会, 位于坦帕的大学预备走读学校, FL, 适用于从幼儿园到12年级的男孩和女孩. 大约1400名来自坦帕湾地区的学生聚集在这里,组成了一个棋牌游戏平台.